Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I believe that everything in life revolves around confidence. Getting a job, making friends, feeling good about yourself and even the way you treat others are all centered around confidence in my mind. When you are confident, people look at you differently and you look at yourself differently. Things tend to fall in their places when you are confident. People like confident people. I always tell people, even myself, "even if you aren't confident, fake it." If you fake confidence, people think you are confident and then in turn you become confident. Maybe that is just a crazy theory of mine, but I follow it and it seems to work out well for me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I think that

Ok, so my neighbor Sean is in the first grade. He lives with a cranky grandfather and a mother who has brain damage and had cancer. He has a brother and a sister but they do not live with him. Sean goes to Coronado Village Elementary School. He was recently tested to see if he needed to be in the special needs program because he can not focus in class and doesn't listen very well to instruction. Honestly though a boy at that age can do neither of the sort for extended periods of time and all the times that I have played/talked with him he seemed normal/functional and even smart. The fact that the administration and his teacher wanted to put him in special needs is beyond me.

I mean, if he did not go to Coronado and instead went to IB, Chula Vista or SD, he would not even remotely be considered for special needs, in fact he might be one of the kids doing well in class. I just feel like no one in this situation is taking in factors outside of the classroom such as family. Its a shame that he was even considered for that class because he does have potential, he just needs direction which no one is willing to give him.

Monday, May 26, 2008


I can't help but to think that this crazy weather we are having all over the globe is related to global warming and the harm that we as a species have done to this planet. I feel like it has accumulated and just gotten worse and worse over time. Even the earth quakes, part of me thinks that that is the earths way of saying, "you're killing me slowly." I hope i gets better.


So sometimes when I am talking with someone, usually a friend, there is a moment when I picture myself as my friend and imagine how they are seeing my right now. Both in looks and thoughts. Its a crazy experience and I usually end up shaking my head at the end because it is so weird and different. I am not sure why I do it, because it freaks me out a bit every time. But after I do it, I start to think about how other people see me, which I think is an important aspect in life, so I suppose I will keep doing that sight shift.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

To add on...

To add on to the online community blog i did earlier... There is also one other online group that I would like to talk about, gaming. I play World of Warcraft, yes yes i know it is nerdy but maybe i am a bit nerdy, anyway when you play, most people join a guild. The guild is like you online home, you have a bunch of people under the same name, that help you out when you need it or have conversations with you. Now most of the people in my guild I don't know, and I assume they don't know me, but the few I do know brighten my day. They are there to talk about anything (problems, joys, troubles, jokes), help me out in the game (money, quests, instances). It is very strange though because you can actually talk to them through a mic on a program called ventrilo. So here you are with your guild, talking to 1-? number of people. They get to know you and you them. Its both weird and cool to have "friends" that I have never seen, but only play a game with. It is like reality is mixed with gaming and there are social skills from real life and gaming life needed in order to make it with the "relationships". Its crazy knowing and talking with people I will never see but yet I know all about them.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I am nearing the end of my time at Grossmont College. I have given 3 years to this JC and it is finally time to move on. I am thrilled to be leaving and moving on to bigger and better things. I can say that I learned a lot at Grossmont and I changed both academically and personally because of my time here, for the better. Now as I go on to UC Santa Cruz next semester, I will not forget the tings I have learned and the memories I have gained from my time at Grossmont. Bon Voyage.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Natural Selection

In front of my house, on the porch, at the very top, in vines is a birds nest. A few weeks ago my family noticed that we had a birds nest up there. The eggs have hatched and since the baby birds have gotten bigger, the nest has been looking more and more unstable. Everyone is trying to think of ways to make the nest more stable or at least to catch the babies if they fall so our cats don't eat them. One of the ideas is putting a net underneath it to catch he fallen birds and another is to move the nest to a sturdier place by using brooms so our scent doesn't get on them. My idea is to let whatever happens, happen. This may sound cruel to just let birds die when you could help them, but i prefer to let nature take its course. Because if the mom and dad birds were not capable of making a nest sturdy, those baby birds don't want their genes anyway.